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Site M8, located in Ryarsh, West Malling.

On the 19th December 2017, a number of residents received a generic letter informing them of a new site proposal nearby. This letter is available to see here. The nearby site turned out to be a proposal for a very large sand quarry on 'Roughetts Road' in the centre of Ryarsh, between the M20 and A20, Birling and Addington, with Leybourne and West Malling to the East.

Proposal Details

  • Extraction of 3.6 million tonnes of silica/soft sand

  • 30 years of extraction & infill disruption 

  • Access to the site via A20 London Road to the south

  • Exit from the site via Roughetts Road to the east  - (lorries toing and froing all around us)

For full details, see the Kent County Council Mineral Sites Plan - Options Consultation document.

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Website created by Matthew Pope with the Ryarsh Protection Group

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