Site M8, located in Ryarsh, West Malling.
On the 19th December 2017, a number of residents received a generic letter informing them of a new site proposal nearby. This letter is available to see here. The nearby site turned out to be a proposal for a very large sand quarry on 'Roughetts Road' in the centre of Ryarsh, between the M20 and A20, Birling and Addington, with Leybourne and West Malling to the East.
Proposal Details
Extraction of 3.6 million tonnes of silica/soft sand
30 years of extraction & infill disruption
Access to the site via A20 London Road to the south
Exit from the site via Roughetts Road to the east - (lorries toing and froing all around us)
For full details, see the Kent County Council Mineral Sites Plan - Options Consultation document.