We do hope this update finds you, your family and loved ones healthy and well at this difficult time.
Ryarsh Protection Group (RPG) wish to share the latest update on the next stage of the process regarding Kent County Council Minerals Sites Plan – the Public Inspector has delivered his report. We are pleased to confirm the Inspector broadly supports the Plan put forward by Kent County Council (KCC) which EXCLUDES the M8 Ryarsh, West Malling Site. The next stage of the process is for the minor modifications requested by the Inspector and the Plan itself to be submitted for acceptance by KCC, timing for this is estimated October 2020 onwards due to Covid-19.
Be assured the RPG will continue to monitor proceedings closely over the coming months. We are in this for the long haul, for and on behalf of the community and will do everything possible to ‘save green space’ which has become even more valuable to all of us over the past few weeks since lockdown commenced.
Our village and the surrounding communities have resolutely rejected all attempts to extract minerals from the M8 site and the RPG will continue to uphold those views and any attempts to circumvent the current status - we know we can rely on the collective spirit of our residents and supporters as we move forward.
Everyone in the area is exceptionally proud of this wonderful and thriving community and together we will protect it for future generations.